Thinking about describing form of the figure I look at ‘boxes’ in the body : head, rib cage and the pelvis.  The head is a  vertical square, the rib cage a  vertical rectangular and the pelvis a horizontal rectangular. Robert Zeller, in The figurative artist’s handbook ( 2016) refers to “looking” for these boxes when beginning a figure drawing.

My mannequin

He also talks about ‘anatomy that first inside the geometry”  G Bridgeman shows great illustrations

Block concept, G Bridgeman illustration

Exercise 1  Basic shapes – have the model at a slight angle in a chair and do a 1 hour study – describing form.  It was getting later in the afternoon and the sun was adding to the glow of the skin.  This class was so quiet as everyone tried to capture this model .  I did not pay enough attention to the legs – the form of the back and head kept me busy, and I wanted to use tonal values to describe the form on the body. Did I achieve in finding form in the edges of shadows? Are the edges it too hard?  I am thinking is it because it is a male body – do I find softer edges in the female body?

male sitting back

male sitting 2


Exercise 2  Essential elements  Draw 6 different poses of 10 minutes each.

4 of 5

During this drawing session with a model – I could only do 4 of the same model.  I did other longer drawings and will add the longer drawings.

2 and 3 of 5

I realised the proportions are not well and the head is to small in the right side drawing, which also does not compliment the model.

1 of 5

I felt this drawing went a bit better.  Lines of the back and shoulders are nice to find.

image 6

I felt more comfortable to add some pastels and dipped my brush in oil medium  – was considering to do an oil painting later during the session.


Done on newsprint – seated figure during a drawing session.

sitting 2

nude back

These drawings were all done in figurative group in Pretoria, South Africa before we moved to Dubai.  In Dubai I have had one opportunity to partake in a group session for figurative drawing and the model was clothed.

Exercise 3 Stance  – draw as many quick poses as you can (2 – 5 minutes each)

9 October 2018

youtube short 1 min poses

I used a Youtube session and draw for 6 minutes.   I plan to do more of these exercises and will continue to log them.


skecthes movement

28 September


Did not go well in the actual class – between 1 and 2 min poses.  I hesitated to put it in the learning log – but it is the true process.

Exercise 4 Energy -Work on A3 sheets – 5 min poses of dynamic/movement poses

movement in sketch.jpg

Dancing figurine drawing from a youtube drawing session in sketchbook

dynamic small.jpg

Jumping models in sketchbook


Quick drawings of movement on big newsprint paper – running, kicking, walking


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