After doing Research point 4 and the works I looked at and thinking about the intentions of the artists as almost giving us some insight into how people lived in those times, I feel at ease to agree with the study notes on re-examining the “paraphernalia of everyday life we have a perfect vehicle for objective study or for more expressive exploration. I plan to look at my ‘temporary home’ here in Dubai, living as an expat, as a space where my husband and I find ourselves in as an opportunity for expressive exploration for the exercises to come out of this research. I looked at most of the spaces from a standing position, but after sitting down I decided to use that in exploring four directions in succession. I worked in our living room area, which is a open area with light coming in from east, north and southern directions. My husband has an area where he can work from home. All the inside walls are painted white and the floors are covered in cream white tiles. The colour scheme of our living area is mostly chromatic (greys) with some green plants to add colour. I also do some quick sketches in our guestroom.
Quick sketches around the house

Below are some images of drawings in the guestroom.

These studies did not go easy – I tried to do two point perspective, sitting in the room. I tried to work fast and keep in mind that I have to focus on straight lines of walls, etc.
I decided to focus on the living room interior space – looked at different views.

Looking at these drawings, I realize the importance of straight lines – above is a relative small painting., but with a landscape perspective. I like the study in grey – gives the interior a stark eerie feeling- almost that of abondonement.

I decided to paint above study and work with muted colours which is in the room. My palette consists of umber, white, black , indian yellow, burnt sienna and terra verte. My paper size is 45.5 x 40cm

I found that after sketching the ideas on the canvas paper with charcoal and starting to paint – I did not check all the lines. I have to fix, but I still found this to be right as a subject and in terms of composition. I like the muted colours and hope to show how light falls onto the objects. I want to add some pattern detail on the carpet and white cushion. I am not sure of my attempt to draw my husband sitting in the back – think it will fade it within the painting. I made a mistake with the black coffee table in front and have to ‘adjust’ my viewpoint.

Looking back at this exercise I think I should have spent more time to work on the painting and decide to work more. I need to sort out the blurr/figure in the background, look at the carpet- could make it more realistic, work on more light falling on the black table in front, as well as on the big grey couch – should also finish the pattern on the white cushion. I also came upon a work of Matisse which I decided to learn more of. See notes in a later blog , Improving my skills as a painter.