29 September 2018 The figure and the head
The challenge is again to put aside what we know and what we think we know as this can blind us to what we really see. I believe that drawing with a life model gives the artist the opportunity to broaden perceptual skills. There is the opportunity to document the process of drawing a person itself, as well as documenting a person – that is if one portraits the physical likeness and or his inner being.
Project 1 Fabric and Form
The idea of drawing fabric is an opportunity to practice “accurately drawing shapes”. (Aristides J, 2011 p 66 – 68) I find the following quote on a website of Christie’s Fine Art Studio very interesting: “Centuries before the idea of abstract art had even been dreamed of, the flow and the rhythm of drapery offered figurative painters expressive possibilities akin to those promised by abstraction.”

Exercise 1 Drawing Fabric using line and tone
I chose curtains we have recently bought, which is too long – it is linen and of sandy colour. I think about the turning forms and angles I can measure in this drawing exercise. The curtain is gathered and it makes diagonal folds with shadows in these interior spaces, which I try to describe in the drawing. The wrinkles gives me the effect of asking to almost exaggerate the curves and arabesques is forms.
I did not pay enough attention to the lines that I saw in above drawings. On my Kindle I read about different folds in drapes – Constructive Anatomy, Illustrated, George B Bridgeman (kindle edition) On the divided sheet of paper below I try to focus on shapes, curves – I need to describe the character of the folds I see – zig zag, pipe, drop half lock fold and the inert circle as the drapes falls onto the floor. I found it important to find abstract forms. To describe this, with the character of the fabric was difficult – I as battle to stay true to drawing what is in front of me, and not try to emulate a draped piece of fabric.
Exercise 2 Emphasising form with cloth
This is from the figure drawing session in Dubai.
Drawing from Figure Drawing group, Dubai, end October. Standing figure with red cloak and ax – idea was a bit of Halloween fun.